Monday, August 13, 2007

Praying for a miracle

O, God, please, please have mercy on this mom. Give her more peace and grace in this time of need than she's ever felt before. Comfort her with Your very self. Wrap Your arms of love tightly around her and her family. O, Creator of the Universe, I know and believe that You are more than able to work a miracle in this situation. You are the One who is knitting this baby together, and You have the power to make all things new, putting them in their proper place. That is what I ask for. I'm asking You to touch this baby and make him/her healthy and well so that many will know You are God and nothing is impossible with You. But Lord, I also know that Your ways are not our ways. I know that sometimes You allow things to happen that we don't always understand. I realize it could somehow be part of Your bigger plan for this baby's life and it's family's life for him/her to have Turner's syndrome. If that is the case, I ask for You to carry this family through this valley. Let them feel Your love in very real and overwhelming ways. Let them know You will never leave them and will never let go.

I ask all this in the very precious and powerful name of Jesus.

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