Friday, March 23, 2007

I have a major question

Dear Confused,

The teenage years are full of confusing things. Your body is becoming more like that of a woman and less like that of a child's. With those changes come feelings and emotions that are new and exciting, but also a bit scary. God created men and women to share their bodies in an intimate way, but because it is such a powerful and emotionally giving experience, He gave some clear guidelines for it. (Just as fire can be both useful and dangerous depending on how it is controlled, so the desire for intimacy is both fulfilling and dangerous.)

The Bible has much to say about sexual intimacy and purity. As a matter of fact, a while back we received a similar question/prayer request from another young woman struggling with this issue. Please take a moment to read what she had to say and the mentors' comments. You can go there by clicking on this link: Abstinence Help. I had a reader write to me about my response. She had some questions of her own which I answered and posted on my blog. It is a bit lengthy, but it will give you my best advice on the subject of purity. You can read it here.

Realize, too, that sexual purity is not limited to the act itself. You must set boundaries for your relationship - strict boundaries that you refuse to cross. If your boyfriend is not willing to set boundaries, then he is not giving you or God the respect you both deserve.

I know the world is screaming at you to compromise on this issue. I'm sure many of your "Christian" friends have already lost their purity. You, alone, are responsible to God for the decisions you make. Listen to what He has to say for He truly cares about you.

In Christ,
Drewe Llyn

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